Waking up to a new home!

For many of you who read my last few posts know that we recently moved to a new city. The transition of course was a roller coaster of emotions. But, there are so many warm and welcoming highlights in our new place that in only few days we already feel at home! The first thing... Continue Reading →

Andaman & Nicobar Islands – Day 4 Pt 2

Day 4 : Havelock Island, Scuba Diving, Water Sports, Glass Bottom Boat Ride, Radhanagar Beach Our first scuba dive was just perfect! We couldn't have asked for a better experience. It was so gratifying to be able to actually tick it off our bucket list. We were in absolute joy! (Click here to read the scuba... Continue Reading →

The 3.30am Blog

Nature's call at 3.20am, woke me up from a pretty peaceful sleep. Coming back to bed I thought I would dive straight back into my serene slumber. But, after a 10 minute intense tussle between my mind and my body, I realised I was rather done with my sleep for the night. My body felt... Continue Reading →

Andaman & Nicobar Islands – Day 4 Pt 1 – Scuba Diving

Day 4 : Havelock Island, Scuba Diving, Water Sports, Glass Bottom Boat Ride, Radhanagar Beach Day 4 at Havelock started with a lot of excitement for what was to come. We woke up to a beautiful sunrise and walked around the property, beauty of which we could hardly comprehend the previous night. (Click here to read... Continue Reading →

Fear of change

No matter how bad you were waiting for something to happen. When it finally happens to you, it is always scary.. at first! You might have read my recent post about The Big Move. As excited and thrilled we were to actually have moved places. When it was time to actually load up the truck... Continue Reading →

The Big Move!

We are Moving! It's bizarre how things unfold overnight, and before we can even realise we find ourselves packing our bags to make the Big Move! After staying in the same city for 10 long years, it had frankly gotten a little mundane. I'm not complaining. But, the kind of person I am, I have... Continue Reading →


I recently achieved this milestone on WordPress! A total of 100 likes from my fellow bloggers and readers. Never thought of it up until now.. but absolutely loving the feeling! A giant thank you to all of you for reading my posts, and in your own special way inspiring me to continue the pursuit. Every... Continue Reading →

Opportunity to Reset

Our new year celebration this time was rather mellow. We cozied up in the comfort of our couch, got some delectable treats, played some games and had a few heart warming conversations, while waiting for the ball to drop. At midnight, as the clock hands moved from 11.59 to 12.01.... nothing changed miraculously! But, that... Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday Mummy!

27th February forever... Happiiiiieeeeeee Birthdaaaayyyyyy Mummmmmyyyyyy! I call her mummy, meemee, meemaw, meeeee ..just whatever i feel like in the moment. Today is her birthday and I want to dedicate today's blog to her. What do I say about her that I can finish writing in this one hour. There's so much to say! There... Continue Reading →

Andaman & Nicobar Islands – Day 3

Day 3: Neil Island, Corals, Sea Shores, Laxmanpur Beach, (Change of Island) To Havelock Island It was a lovely morning at Neil Island, as we woke up to another bright day on this very small island in Bay of Bengal. By the time we reached our accommodation last night (Day 2), it was too dark... Continue Reading →

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